Are Membrane Keyboards Really That Bad?

Are Membrane Keyboards Really That Bad

As technology continues to advance, so does the range of components and peripherals available for computers. One of the most popular peripherals for PCs is the keyboard, and among the various kinds of keyboards available are membrane keyboards. Despite their popularity, there has been a great deal of debate on whether or not membrane keyboards are really that bad. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of membrane keyboards, and ultimately determine whether or not they really are that bad.

A Detailed Note on Are Membrane Keyboards Really That Bad?

Membrane keyboards are often seen as a cheap option for budget-conscious buyers, but are they actually that bad? The answer is not so cut and dry.

Membrane keyboards have their advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, they are generally very affordable compared to mechanical keyboards and they are quieter than mechanical keyboards. Additionally, they are much easier to clean, since they are made of a single sheet of plastic, rather than individual keys.

On the other hand, membrane keyboards can be less responsive than mechanical keyboards. Since they require a membrane sheet and rubber dome underneath the keys, they are not as responsive to keystrokes as mechanical keyboards. Additionally, they do not provide the tactile feedback of a mechanical keyboard, making them less comfortable to type on.

Overall, membrane keyboards are not necessarily bad, but they are not as good as mechanical keyboards. If you are on a tight budget and don’t need the responsiveness and tactile feedback of a mechanical keyboard, a membrane keyboard may be a good option. However, if you are a professional typist and need the highest level of performance, a mechanical keyboard is the way to go.

Pros of membrane keyboards


Membrane keyboards are generally less expensive than mechanical keyboards. This makes them a good choice for people who are on a budget.


Membrane keyboards are also very durable. They are made with a strong plastic material that is resistant to wear and tear.


Membrane keyboards are much quieter than mechanical keyboards. This makes them ideal for office and other settings where noise levels need to be kept to a minimum.

Easy to Clean

Membrane keyboards are also easier to keep clean than mechanical keyboards. This is because the keys are flat and there are no hard edges to accumulate dust or dirt.


Membrane keyboards are also very lightweight. This makes them ideal for people who need to take their keyboard with them when they travel.

Cons of membrane keyboards


Membrane keyboards are not as durable as mechanical keyboards and may wear out over time. The keys on membrane keyboards are prone to sticking, and the membranes may become stretched and worn out, which can cause the keys to become unresponsive or difficult to press.


Membrane keyboards are much quieter than mechanical keyboards, but they still produce a faint clicking sound when the keys are pressed. This sound can become annoying over time and may be distracting in a quiet environment.

Lack of Tactile Feedback

Membrane keyboards do not provide tactile feedback when the keys are pressed, unlike mechanical keyboards. This can make typing on a membrane keyboard more difficult, as the user does not receive feedback that a key has been pressed.

Lack of Customization

Membrane keyboards are not customizable and cannot be adjusted to accommodate the user’s needs. Mechanical keyboards offer more options for customization, including the ability to change the key travel distance and switch types.


Membrane keyboards are usually cheaper than mechanical keyboards, but they are not always the best value for the money. Mechanical keyboards offer better performance, durability, and features, and are usually worth the extra cost.


In conclusion, membrane keyboards are not necessarily bad, but they are not the best choice for serious gamers or typists. They tend to be much cheaper than mechanical keyboards and can be quieter, but lack the precision of mechanical keyboards. Ultimately, it boils down to personal preference and what someone is looking to get out of their keyboard. Those who are looking for a cheap and quiet option may find that a membrane keyboard will suffice, while those who are looking for a higher-quality experience may want to invest a bit more in a mechanical keyboard.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a membrane keyboard?

A membrane keyboard is a type of keyboard that is made up of three layers of plastic that are sandwiched together, with electrical contacts between each layer. The bottom layer has raised dome-shaped plastic keys that, when pressed, complete an electrical circuit and register the key stroke.

Are membrane keyboards durable?

Generally speaking, membrane keyboards are not as durable as mechanical keyboards. The plastic membranes can wear out and become less responsive over time, and the keys may become unresponsive due to dust and dirt buildup.

What are the benefits of using a membrane keyboard?

Membrane keyboards are generally quieter than mechanical keyboards, as they do not have the loud clicks associated with mechanical switches. They are also more affordable, making them a great option for budget-conscious consumers.

Are membrane keyboards suitable for gaming?

While membrane keyboards are suitable for gaming, mechanical keyboards are generally regarded as being better for gaming. Mechanical keyboards offer a faster and more tactile response, allowing for faster and more accurate inputs.

Is a membrane keyboard better than a standard keyboard?

Whether a membrane keyboard is better than a standard keyboard depends on the user’s preferences. Membrane keyboards tend to be quieter than standard keyboards and often have a more affordable price tag, but they are not as durable or responsive as mechanical keyboards.

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